Building core strength - 3 exercises for horses of all levels.

Dynamic Mobilisation Exercises

(Carrot Stretches)

Dynamic mobilisation exercises (DME’s) require the horse to engage through their abdominal (core) muscles to lift through their back. These exercises have been shown to:

  • Increase multifidus muscle size - multifidus is a small spinal stabilizer muscle which crosses 1-4 vertebral levels. It is responsible for providing stability to the spine during movement and is often atrophied (has reduced muscle size) in horses with back pain.

  • Improve posture by reducing the lordosis (dip) in the horses back by 13% for up to 60 minutes post completion of the exercises.

Pole Work

Walking and trotting over poles creates an increase in limb flexion, requiring the horse to engage their abdominal muscles more than when working on flat ground. Activation of the abdominal muscles creates lift over the horses back, improving their posture and assisting to build their topline.

Working in an Equiband or Pessoa

Equiband and Pessoa systems are designed to provide sensory feedback to the horse to increase engagement of the hindlimbs and abdominal muscles. The bands are not designed to be tight or ‘pull’ the horse into the right shape, but apply pressure to the muscles which we are trying to engage to facilitate a stronger contraction.

Incorporating these exercises into your weekly routine will help your horse build core strength and topline, improve their posture and develop more hindlimb engagement for self carriage.


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