Genna Harkness Genna Harkness

24 Behaviours of the Ridden Horse in Pain - Part 3: Gait Markers

With the exception of bucking and rearing, the gait markers of behaviours of ridden horses in pain can all present as mild training issues. When you're seeing clusters of 8 or more of these behaviours (including the facial and body markers), it's time to investigate pain and lameness.

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Genna Harkness Genna Harkness

Fat and jolly or a welfare concern?

Obesity in horses is an unspoken welfare crisis. Obese horses have increased risk of EMS, insulin resistance and laminitis. Check to see if your horses body condition score is optimal for your discipline.

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Genna Harkness Genna Harkness

Treat the cause, not the symptom

Stuck in a never ending treatment cycle with no real progress? Make sure you’re treating the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.

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