Downloadable Guide To Dynamic Mobilisation Exercises

Dynamic mobilisation exercises (also known as carrot stretches) are a series of movements which encourage your horse to engage through their core muscles and β€˜lift’ through the back. These exercises are scientifically proven to increase the muscle size of multifidus (a small but important muscle in the horses back responsible for spinal stabilization). Regularly completing DMEs has a range of benefits including:

  • Improved posture

  • Improved core engagement

  • Improved topline and spinal muscle strength

This allows your horse to work with better self carriage, increased hindlimb engagement and propulsion and serves a protective effect against spinal pathology (such as kissing spines). Completing DMEs will benefit all performance horses, racehorses and young horses alike.


Maximise your horses athletic potential by adding a physiotherapist to your team.


Relieve Your Horse’s Back Pain